Riaz Ahamed’s Project Portfolio Page
Project: EZ Manager
EZ Manager is a simple and efficient project management tool for software project managers. EZ Manager is a desktop application and the user interacts with the CLI (Command Line Interface) to manage projects, tasks and team members.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
Code contributed: RepoSense Link
Features added
Select Task: Allows the user to select specific tasks. Edit Task: Allows the user to edit specific tasks. Home: Allows the user to switch from project view to home view. Delete Task: Allows the user to delete specific tasks. Assign team member to task: Allows the user to assign an existing member to a specific task. Assign priority to task: Allows the user to assign priority to a specific task
Enhancements to the codebase
The initial design of our codebase implemented the logic for the different commands in one Parser class. As a team, we decided to redesign the codebase such that the logic is implemented in the respective command classes. Hence, I contributed to the design by abstracting logic from most functions in the Parser class to the respective command classes. This enhancement was a tedious process as I had to redesign the entire codebase for every feature.
Code testing
I contributed to the testing of the program by writing JUnit tests for the features mentioned above.
Contributions to the UG (User Guide)
I contributed to the UG in the following ways:
- Designed the application logo
- Wrote user guide for the features mentioned above
- Drafted the initial official full UG with hyperlinked table of contents
- Formatted the full UG with text colors, decorations and indentations
Contributions to the DG (Developer Guide)
I contributed to the DG in the following ways:
- Included the code explanations and the sequence diagrams for the features mentioned above
- Fixed most of the sequence diagram issues brought up by the tutor across the DG
Contributions to reviewing/mentoring
Our project has about 70 PRs (Pull requests) as of 6/11/2020. I reviewed, commented and approved almost half, 34 of the PRs.